year-old Malaysian girl became the youngest athlete to take gold in Southeast Asian Games history after winning the water skiing tricks event Thursday in front of a stunned crowd. Aaliyah Yoong Hanifah claimed gold in the female final at the Jakabaring Lake in Palembang, which is co-hosting the Games with Jakarta, ahead of her nearest rival — who is aged 34. Born on July 16, 2003, the young prodigy qualified for the Games after winning the under-17s tricks event in the Asian Championships last month. She is not the first age-defying medalist at this year's Games. A 76-year-old Singaporean grandmother Lai Chun Ng bagged two silver medals in bridge — the oldest person to make the podium at this year's competition. Indonesia on top Indonesia inched closer to a century of golds at the Games Thursday as the host tightened its hold on the medals table hours ahead of a key grudge match against bitter rival Malaysia. Vietnam had earlier cut the deficit with Indonesia, after claiming four more golds in pencak silat — an Indonesian martial art — which took it to 66 first places and stretched its lead over third placed Thailand.