Diabetic patients traveling abroad for holidays are required to take certain precautions to safeguard their health, recommended Saudi Diabetic & Endocrine Association (SDEA). “Diabetics need to plan their travel and holidays in advance as they will encounter an environment they may not be familiar with, and where the required facilities may not be available in case of emergencies,” said Dr Basem Futa, SDEA medical consultant.Diabetic travelers should discuss with their travel agents the intended route, destination, and their duration of stay. This will help them ensure adequate medical supplies and other necessary items, he said. “A medical check-up prior to the trip to ensure that their diabetes is well-controlled is a must. Carrying a letter from the doctor confirming diabetes is important in case their syringes or medications are questioned by officials,” Dr. Futa said. He said the letter should also include generic names of the medications with their trade names, so that it is easy to purchase them in other countries. Diabetic travelers must obtain the required immunization ahead of time as some immunizations disturb blood sugar levels. This is to ascertain that there is enough time for their blood sugar level to stabilize prior to the trip. Dr. Futa said diabetics should contact the airline and request for diabetic meals. It is better to keep medications on-hand in their carry-on bags and not in the luggage. “Don't forget to carry your glucometers with adequate supplies of strips and alcohol swabs, and keep some food supplies with them to be used incase of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), such as sugar cubes, dates, and biscuits,” said Dr. Futa. He said diabetic travelers must also take with them their foot powder, an extra pair of eye glasses, and their diabetic ID cards, indicating the names and addresses of their doctors and medications used. A few precautions on the traveler's part will go a long way in making the holidays a delightful experience, said Dr. Futa. __