Construction firm Saudi Oger Ltd. has completed the formation of a senior arranging group of banks for its landmark $800,000,000 senior secured term loan facility, SR3,969,612,800 advance payment guarantee facility for its King Abdullah Project 2 which was commissioned by the Ministry of Interior. The Project Facilities were entered into by Deutsche Bank AG (acting through its London and Riyadh branches), China Development Bank and Emirates Bank NBD (PJSC), each acting as an Initial Mandated Lead Arranger and Book runner for both the Term Loan Facility and the APG Facility. Also joining the Project Facilities are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China acting as Mandated Lead Arranger for the Term Loan Facility and NATIXIS Dubai Branch acting as Mandated Lead Arranger for the Project Facilities. Al Hilal Bank and Barclays Capital have also acceded to the transaction as Lead Arrangers for the APG Facility. A general syndication phase targeting existing and new relationship banks will launch shortly. The Project Facilities entered into in May 2011, were raised to partially finance the King Abdullah Project 2. The Project Facilities are the first to be led exclusively by non-Saudi domiciled institutions as part of an ongoing strategy by Saudi Oger to diversify and broaden its financing base for its core infrastructure construction and contracting business. Mohammed Hariri, senior vice president of Saudi Oger, said "we are extremely pleased with the successful completion of the formation of the senior arranging group of banks. The group of Arrangers represents institutions from Europe, the Middle East and China which are all regions of strategic importance to Saudi Oger Ltd. We are very delighted and particularly gratified to the large participation of China Development Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China who once again confirm their undoubted support to Saudi Oger Ltd. We are also very pleased with the support of Deutsche Bank, Emirates NBD Bank, Natixis, Al-Hilal Bank and Barclays Capital in this transaction. This is a "landmark" transaction for Saudi Oger Ltd. and we are very happy to see that the senior arranging group of banks consists not just of existing relationship banks but also banks supporting our endeavors for the very first time therefore underscoring the great interest in the exciting project which is KAP2. We also note the support of these institutions during a period of prolonged market volatility."