Dubai's Inflation in July modestly declined from the previous month, but rose slightly in Abu Dhabi, the Khaleej Times said, quoting the Dubai Statistic Center on Tuesday. The Dubai consumer price index, or CPI, dipped 0.08 per cent in July on month-on-month basis after rising 0.6 per cent last month, compared to same month in 2010, the Dubai-based newspaper said. Dubai's inflation increased in July despite a 3.5 percent fall in prices of housing and electricity, compared to July last year. In Abu Dhabi, average consumer prices rose 2.5 percent year-on-year in the first seven months of the year, as the surge in food prices continued. Data from the Statistics Center-Abu Dhabi, or SCAD indicated that the CPI rose 2.3 percent in the period since July 2010, while a month-to-month comparison shows a surge of 0.3 percent. Food and beverages prices in Dubai increased slightly last month at 6.1 per cent, after almost doubling in June. The price of fish and seafood increased by 15.66 percent.