King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, said oil prices would not ease even if production were raised because speculation and taxes are still behind the soaring market. “People who think that oil prices will go down once production is raised are wrong because there are indications the prices will remain high,” King Abdullah told Arab Times Editor-in-Chief Ahmed Al-Jarallah. In the same interview, the King also warned those trying to ignite sectarian violence in Gulf countries. In the interview King Abdullah addressed those trying to propagate sectarian ideologies, destabilize the region and destroy Islamic beliefs through the introduction of strange practices. “The end is near for those attempting to ignite sectarian violence as the whole region is keen on maintaining peace and order,” the King said. He said that speculators and duties on fuel in some countries were among reasons for the high prices. “Starting from the establishment of OPEC, we have always been keen on keeping the price of oil at a normal level to reduce the burden on both the producers and consumers.... We have nothing to do with the rising prices of oil in the world,” he said. Despite OPEC's commitment to meet the growing demand for oil as well as its lack of control over the price of oil in the world – which is decided by the market, some groups still accuse the organization of causing the hike in prices of oil. The oil consuming and producing countries should look into the issue to identify the real cause, the Monarch said. OPEC used to have full control over the price of oil but many consuming countries opposed it, arguing the price should be based on the law of demand and supply, to which, OPEC agreed. Still, some groups are accusing the organization of causing the increase in the prices of oil....Is this fair?” the King asked. “Looking at recent reports from the experts, I think oil will go down if there is an alternative source of energy, but the price of that energy will also increase due to the booming world economy. Prices will continue to soar as the economy flourishes because energy is a vital resource in development. Thanks to Almighty Allah, our region has a strong oil reserve that can meet future demands,” the King said. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gives more importance to international cooperation on energy affairs and knows the significance of supporting the needy as well as allowing developing countries to steer clear of its oil expenses. The Kingdom asked the OPEC board to allot one billion dollars for this program to support the needy countries, he said. On developmental projects in the Kingdom, the Monarch said: “With the wealth that the Almighty has given to the Kingdom, we have all the time to execute projects with good investment returns for the people as well as the future generation. We should let Saudi nationals enjoy the current development in their country and pass on the projects to the future generation for their benefit.” The King said the wheels of development in the Kingdom are moving very fast. “We have planned such a speedy development to see our citizens enjoying the wealth the Almighty has bestowed upon them. We have activated our citizens' role in nation building and they are now the vital arms of development. The construction and economic growth we are currently enjoying is just a mirage without our competent and skilled manpower,” the King said. On existing cooperation among GCC member states, the King said GCC states regard the Kingdom as their ‘big brother.' It has prompted the Kingdom to intensify its efforts to consistently communicate with other GCC nations and discuss means to improve relations between them. “Economic cooperation between the six GCC member states is strong and we have a vision for economic integration between these states,” the King said. “Financial reserves in the region are at their maximum. Some countries use this money to ensure a bright future for the young generation through economic ventures. In the Kingdom, we planned for a speedy development for people to enjoy our wealth as well as secure a bright future for the youth. The Kingdom doesn't need the budgetary surplus in other GCC countries, instead it gives to others but we should all act like brothers in facing the danger around us. “We felt very bad when Kuwait was attacked in 1990. We never slept well until Kuwait was liberated and returned to its people. We don't want any of the GCC countries to face such problems. We hope our brothers in the region will be safe and away from the dangers surrounding the region. “We should be wary of attempts to destabilize the region. We have strong relations with other GCC states as we immediately solve our differences. “At some point, the Kingdom was at the center of conflicts with other GCC member states. We are not annoyed with these conflicts since we solved our differences through peaceful dialogue. Our people in the region enjoy strong social relations and we should further strengthen their economic, social and cultural ties,” the King said. Culture and customs of the people in Saudi Arabia and the Islamic religion are taken into consideration in all development projects, the King said. “Islamic Shariah is our doctrine and our way of living, hence, we call for tolerance as stated in the Holy Qur'an,” he said. People in the Gulf, in general, and in the Kingdom, in particular, don't want the recurrence of the problems that Kuwait encountered several years ago, the King said. “We will not allow those with sectarian vision to enter the region and instigate violence among its people. We will all unite against sectarian-motivated individuals with the help of Allah. Our people will prevent any attempt to undermine their unity as well as the introduction of strange phenomena in the region. We can use our financial reserves and assets to prevent the entry of strange practices into the region, including those trying to initiate sectarian violence,” the King reiterated. On enhancing relations with other GCC member states, the King said Saudi Arabia will remain their ‘big brother.' “It will continue its efforts to maintain harmonious relations among the people in the region and encourage them to work towards a better future. We will protect our brothers in the region against any interference or political lawsuit against them and their visions,” the King added. The Monarch said he felt happy when people from all regions of the Kingdom wish him well. He said this reflects the mutual respect the rulers and his subjects enjoy and accord to each other. “I am in my happiest mood when people, who meet me at every corner of the Kingdom, wish me well - a reflection of how the people and their ruler love each other. I implore Allah to help me serve my country well and fulfill the promises I made to the people when I took my oath as ruler of the Kingdom,” the Monarch said. King Abdullah also praised efforts of security agencies and the cooperation of the citizens in foiling attempts to carry out terrorist attacks. “Strong coordination between security departments and the citizens have led the Kingdom to prosperity and safety. This cooperation resulted in a successful crackdown on terrorist groups as well as those who were brainwashed by these groups,” he said. “In the last three years, the Kingdom has received a number of terrorist threats which all ended with the terrorists losing the battle. Saudis played a crucial role as they cooperated with the security authorities to reveal the real identity of the terrorists,” he added. On the Lebanon crisis, the King said good deeds always have the upper hand. “Some groups wreaked havoc in Lebanon. However, good will always triumph over evil, even if there are times when evil seems to creep around. Lebanon is now on its way to prosperity. Its people will soon reap what the good-doers planned for them. We don't want Lebanon to remain a battlefield for the ‘big guys' or a place where levity will come from those who don't want righteousness, security and economic development in the region,” he said. On his vision for the future, the King said the government was trying to speed up everything but “time won't allow us to do so. We want actions before words. We would be happy to see the realization of our dreams.” The major projects recently launched in Eastern province are all very productive. They include petrochemical factories, deemed to bring in good profits for the country and its people, he said. “We had great accomplishments last year, including the opening of King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, which is aimed at honing the skills of our young scientists in different fields, such as technology and medicine, for the benefit of the people,” the King added. “The Kingdom's future vision is loaded with development goals. We will take advantage of our current financial surplus and utilize it in the right manner to serve the interests of the people,” the King concluded. __