The Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) has conducted a study on the impact of diving on the Kingdom's Red Sea coral reefs, according to a recent report from the organization. Forty mooring buoys were installed in twenty diving and fishing locations along the coast of the Makkah region, and the Farasan Islands and the type of seawater at the Red Sea coasts were studied to evaluate the effect of diving and fishing on coral reefs, the report said. The PME completed the project, implemented in conjunction with the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, according to the report, which related a number of the organization's activities. The PME has also participated in several environmental programs and workshops, prepared economic-evaluation programs for environmental systems and economic-evaluation methods for the Red Sea and coastal resources, according to the report. One program assessed the effects of climate change, which causes erosion of the coastline and a rise of the sea level, and methods of adaptation. Another program studied the Red Sea's different environments and produced a regional report about coral reefs and mangrove forests. The organization has also participated in several workshops to estimate the damage ships cause to coral reefs and set unified procedures to prevent such destruction. One workshop focused on how to respond to tectonic activities and geological cracks in the Red Sea layers, and assess their risks. At the regional level, the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment is ready to respond to any oil-spill emergency in the Red Sea, the report added. __