DAMMAM: Due to the current unrest in some of the countries in the region, the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has revived the requirement for an emergency contingency plan to be provided when hiring overseas Filipino workers. This emergency contingency plan was imposed during the Gulf War and other regional emergency situations, such as the “no fly zones” in Iraq. The emergency contingency plan is in addition to a number of requirements presently being imposed upon Saudi employers who wish to recruit Filipino workers. An employer seeking to hire overseas Filipino workers is now required to sign an undertaking stating that in case of calamity or man-made disaster or war, he shall repatriate his Filipino workers to the Philippines in the soonest possible time “via a safe course of travel”. In case the repatriation is not possible because of circumstances that may occur during the emergency, the employer must give continuous support to his workers by providing them with food, medical care, clothing and safe shelter. The employer will also be required to assist the workers in remitting their earnings to their families, and ensure that they are treated well in accordance with the job contract. Saudis desiring to recruit Filipino housemaids are now also required to provide POEA with information such as, the employer's salary, the number of members in the household, and a map showing the location of the residence. Prospective employers must also provide a Saudi police clearance and sign an undertaking promising to provide the housemaid with care and support.