IT will not be a war in the sense of its predecessors, the First and Second World Wars. But it could be a world war of a new kind, which the world has not known before.
Certainly, Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine created (...)
wide stockpile of antiviral drugs for emergencies like a sudden outbreak of bird flu among humans.
"The member states could of course decide that they don't want to create a European-wide stockpile but that each one of them is creating their own (...)
إن الفكر الإسلامي فكر علمي يقوم على النظر والتفكير، والإيمان بالغيب أساسه الخبر الصادق في كتاب الله وسنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والحقيقة لا تعرف كلها بالإنسان نظراً لمحدوديته، ولكن ثمة مصدر آخر للحقيقة وهو الله عز وجل القائل: {أَلَا يَعْلَمُ (...)
risk areas such as wetlands and other areas frequented by migratory birds, the main carriers of the virus.
The Commission said it was watching developments closely in Turkey, Bulgaria, and in Romania where bird flu has also been found, though the (...)