I wish that the beautiful past of poverty could have been registered in history. What I mean in this regard is the past time about fifty years ago. As young men, we used to find nothing tempting except for jostling of heading towards the sports activities due to that they could accommodate a lot of young men then, especially if we consider that some of the Saudi amateurs who headed towards sports had become famous stars later that represent targets for the contracts for joining them due to their fame. I still remember that I had not been an athlete during that time and that I could not even be so due to that my sight power had not been good enough for being a permanent player. However, I used to gain the follow up through the opinions of the friends who used to be beside me and the linguistic style through which I used to provide the sports comments had provided a quality that had not been available at that time. The reason behind this had been that I stopped attending the school due to health reasons and headed towards the cultural reading which had been an end that had made me ready for practicing the cultural presence rather than the sports one but what had happened was the opposite. In spite of that Dekhna's main street called Alfrayan Street then has been famous and crowded, other streets such as "Al-Dhaheera," extension of "Al-Khazan" street through its upper part, "Al-Atayef," "Al-Suailem," "Al-Ajeela" & Um Saleem had been able to absorb most of the sports interests due to the existence of ‘Al-Helal" Club, which used to be the most famous then, at the beginning of its entrance. However, there had been other clubs close to that location. It can be said that sports had absorbed most of the young men of that time. The reason behind such end had not been the love of sports only but because of the unavailability of other hobbies as well. One of the rare ideal practices of that time had been the ones done by the most famous competent star of that past called Mubarak Abdul Kareem. When the time of players registration renewal used to come, he sued to avoid the authorities chasing him and tempting him by money for the sake of being free to chase the skilled and competent players for registering them in Al-Helal and such behavior had never been done by any other player. However, he has not been provided with a practical appreciation in our present time in spite of that he needs such help badly due to his bad health and economic conditions. I still remember that I had the chance, at that time, to be introduced to Prince Hathloul Bin Abdul Aziz, God's Mercy be upon him, and Prince Meqren Bin Abdul Aziz, too. They had been at the boom of their youth with a brilliant and marvelous level in regard to their interpersonal skills applied through dealing with people to the extent of that he who sued to be a new comer in the club used to be not able to differentiate them among the others. They had been rare ideal behavioral practices. God's mercy be upon our Sheikh Bin Saeed whom we used to consider the first man in regard to developing the sports in Riyadh City as such sports had not been known before him due to that the non foreign presence had been the most prominent then. In spite of the poor capabilities of that time, it had been represented the starting points towards whatever better.