21 areas which represent all sectors of urban development in Riyadh City, together with some government departments, private sector directorates and civil sector establishments such as the charities working in the fields of citizens' services such as unemployment, slums, crime control, begging and others, are participating in benefiting from the results and indicators of the "Urban Observatory Center of Riyadh City" which works under the High Commission for Developing Riyadh City, after summarizing the information about a certain subject or sector and transforming them to (a group of indicators) that help the decision makers in charge of urban development in setting the policies and drawing the plans that achieve the targets of developing the city and its populations whether through developing the construction, economy, society, environment and other aspects. Such indicators provide the decision maker with a clear picture about the present condition surrounding him which helps in assessing the performance for predicting the future condition and the general trend in its regard. The observatory center represents a good tool in the hand of the decision makers that enables them, through the indicators it produces, to determine the extent of improvement or deterioration in the conditions of the city periodically together with comparing, through putting time into consideration, between the city (i.e. Riyadh) and the other cities which are passing through the same stage of development or which has the same number of population.