This is an old issue which is a new one at the same time. As far as I know, the media system prohibits declaring the corrupted people and the individuals convicted in the cases of corruption. However, it is a meaningless prohibition which represents no more than a habit that we have been used to in a similar way to the ostrich which hides its head in the sand and believes that it can avoid the danger through such action, in spite of that social networking sites such as Twitter and face Book do publish their names. For example, all of us know of the high officials in Jeddah who had been accused in Jeddah Floods Case. However, Shoura Council which is always interested in reviewing what is known to everyone has addressed this case which is not a case anymore. It is even said that it is going to vote on the Anti-Corruption Commission report, which includes the suggestion of declaring the names of the individuals convicted by corruption, in a secret voting (why should it be secret anyway?). This is a futile effort as we wish it to discuss another important issue that has been mentioned in the commission's report. The said issue is that some government authorities and bodies are totally refusing to enable the commission to practice its specializations related to detecting the practices of corruption and investigating about them for punishing the involved personnel and prohibiting its repetition. The commission declared that closing the doors before it by any authority does not serve the anti-corruption process; in addition to that it disrupts the royal orders and the systems associated with it. Thus, do we expect the council to implement such step?