Let's move to the virtual world and believe that peace has occurred between the Palestinians & Arabs together, as a first party, and Israel, as a second party. Let's consider that the said agreement or deal has finished the boycott and wars and led to opening the land, air & marine borders together with the banks, embassies and conclusion of commercial deals through the Israeli Currency (The shekel), US Dollar or national currency. Lets imagine that the hotels, apartments and resorts of Haifa, Jaffa and other cities have become a destination for Arabs during winter and summer where they can relax as alternatives to Lebanon's cold and moderate towns such as "Sofer," "Bhamdoun," "Varia" and other towns. Let's imagine that we have become consumers of Jaffa's orange and Palestine's famous olives and that Arabs have started to learn Hebrew & Israelis have started to learn Arabic in the schools and universities. Let's consider that a scientific cooperation has occurred between the Arab and Israeli centers in regard to water, desert & world of seas and space. Let's imagine that seminars have been held between the business men, politicians, scientists and specialists and that it has become not deplored or condemned any more to see nations of the region meeting together with no sensitivities or prejudgments. This assumption is a mere imagination which benefits are known by Israel which still prefer its solitude rather than drowning in a big Arab demographic and geographic flood. However, If Israel managed to overcome such complexes and head forward towards believing that it is an influential environment in spite of its limited area and language due to that its economy, scientific position and technological advancement shall makes the influential environment rather than being the influenced one; it might have become capable of attracting expertise, scientists and monies that shall attract Arabs fortunes and invest them in administration, experience, advertising and other fields for achieving its interests. Such end shall lead it towards becoming the dominant community and the alternative elite in a similar way to Japan's position and influence on Asia's changes. However, can such perception be accepted by Arabs and can it be digestible to the Israeli stomach?! Before going too far through an unachievable dream; let's consider the eternal complex and enter into the mazes of politics, religion and long centuries' hostilities. How can we over come such hostilities which is rooted in us to the extent that we doubt that any Israeli product may be poisoned and any technical product may be a spying tool that may contain lethal radiation, in addition to that the issue of the Jew racial superiority should be considered through issuing genes codes, manufacturing secret weapons that exterminate the Arabs and bringing other superior races for occupying the lands of our fathers and grand fathers. At the same time, why we don't find that Arabs elite can understand the Israeli life details, what Israel may be thinking of, the sources of its power and the points or aspects of its weakness. Is the nation no more than a human demographic accumulation that does not have the seeds of development and combating in a similar way to the Indians and nations of Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe? Is it that the myths that Arab media created about Israel of that it is controlling the world through money and media, it has its secret worlds as per the information of "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and that it is running the Mafia and secret intelligence. We have accepted all what Israel have been promoting for without analyzing it or trying to conclude the facts through reading its history, archive and all of its available and secret information as such data are not intractable or hidden in a way that makes it impossible for any human to reach! Let's go farther in regard to who is the winner and who is the looser out of such virtual peace process? Let's consider how Iran's lies shall be revealed and expose that it is establishing an army for fighting the Arabs rather than liberating Palestine. How can we cancel from our minds the "Brain Wash" that Al-Assad and his allies among the Palestinians and Hezbollah have committed? How many pillars of opposition parties shall fall due to their arrival during the time of illusion? What about the numerous sayings of revolutionary slogans and enthusiastic poems? What shall we do if we find their remains or grand children roaming through the roads of old Jerusalem? However, all of this is offered as a mere dream due to that it is Israel which is leading the opposition for its own considerations while it is us who are living in the world of hypothesis or assumptions alone.