Days after it unveiled the newest version of its Xbox gaming system, Microsoft has been cleared of violating a wireless patent in current versions of the popular console. Motorola Mobility, which is owned by Google, had asked the US International Trade Commission in 2010 to halt the import of the device due to the alleged patent violation, dpa reported. The case was part of a broader patent war between the companies. Microsoft claims that phones running Google's Android software violate its patents, while Google says the Xbox and Microsoft's Windows operating system violate patents that it owns. The alleged Xbox violation governed the way of establishing communications between the console and accessories such as the controller. The claim was initially dismissed in a preliminary finding by an administrative law judge in March, a ruling that was upheld in Thursday's decision. 'This is a win for Xbox customers and confirms our view that Google had no grounds to block our products,' Microsoft Deputy General Counsel David Howard said in a statement. Google said it was disappointed with the decision and was evaluating its options, according to Bloomberg News.