Islam is a doctrine, a legislation, a religion and a human approach at the same time. This is a fact which is not questionable. It used to be the fastest spreading religion and is still so. Some statistics declare that people from many and various races keep joining it every new day. However, the problem is not in its vision, broad thought & great provisions. The problem is in its followers who divided it to doctrines and sects that drowned in their disputes which are still present until now, in spite of that all of them adhere to its pillars but differ about its provisions. A person gets confused when it compares his realty with a successful Islam which believed in nations rights and coexisted with its minorities and other religions followers where life, citizenship, private and public rights are granted by the laws and constitutions. Some good examples of this are found in Turkey and many other Asian countries, whether in Indonesia, Malaysia or central Asian countries where radical people who accuse others by blasphemy and reach the level of extremism are not present & where there is no place for Taliban & Al-Qaeda, except for in Pakistan, Afghanistan and, secretly, in some Arab countries. The existence or presence of two behaviors of which one is open-minded Islam and the other is the one where there is no space for dialogue and understanding. This situation causes the Muslim, rather than a follower of any other religion, to believe that these conflicts do not have basic issues which open the closed way between the people who oppose each other. If we confess that Arab countries, Iran, Pakistan & Afghanistan are the parties where fragmentation and conflicts prevail; we do not find the same image, in regard to clarity and presence, in other Muslim countries which have been adopting tolerance as a method and behavior. The strange aspect is that the countries which lands bore the first Islam, spread it in various parts of the world, defeated historical ideas, philosophies and powers, opened the door for analytical thinking and interpretation & transformed Damascus, followed by Baghdad & Cairo, to capitals for the mature Islamic thought are the ones which are suffering now from acute failure in regard to opening the windows for discarding the conflicts, solving them, freeing the political Islam & transforming it to a universal one which is neither fanatic nor of a lost identity, through the bravery of a true believer. Arab countries governed through the military regimes myth that dismantled any relation to growing freedoms and development & suppressed all the movements that have been calling for the intellectual and economic development when they summarized the work, effort, legislation and culture and made them subjected to its private form. Thus, the only protective shield is returning to the roots, which means returning to the true Islam. In spite of that the Islamic leaderships have been suppressed and imprisoned in most Arab countries; the balance has started to grow, in spite of that it exaggerated in its reaction when it adopted trends as charging other with blasphemy, asking for a return to the caliphate era, restricting the consideration of true Muslims to certain categories only, considering that other Muslims are out of Islam & calling for the sacred fight. Such trends open the external doors of hell and led the others to antagonize Islam as a religions and followers, where some parties have been calling publically for confronting Islam. This end transformed the crises from being within limited range towards being an international war between religions! The weakness point of Islam is that the West discovered that it is easy to provoke. According to public freedoms laws, the West has started to seize every occasion for provoking it and adopting a thought which terrorism is not less than the one of the Muslim extremists themselves. The only successful way cannot be achieved through declaring or adopting the permanent confrontation. They are represented through the fruitful dialogue and spreading the true form of Islamic tolerance. It is the said tolerance that had been wide enough to provide the world with a great human civilization, in addition to the creative thought which is still considered one of the most important human achievements.