Terrorism headed towards hibernation before appearing again as the discovery of Riyadh & Jeddah is an indicator for that the hibernated cells have started to appear to confirm its presence. However, the conscious and attentive security agency which has been monitoring it managed to discover the two cells. This readiness confirms the efficiency and development of this agency. The Kingdom has been targeted from several aspects as pilgrimage time has been chosen by these cells for sneaking and striking. However, these cells have lost their ability during the past years and the Kingdom has been chasing them not only in the Kingdom but even out of its borders. Such achievement has provided our said agency with international praise and power fame but in spite of this; we are standing on a permanent fire line as long as there are parties who are targeting us as citizens, facilities and achievements. Our security agencies have started facing the intensive terrorism as we are discovering supporters for Al-Qaeda and its branches inside the Kingdom itself which makes the situation more complicated. However, the development that we have witnessed returned the trust in these agencies, in spite of the massive numbers of people who are passing into our border outlets and out of them as the monitoring process did not affect such movement at all. The recent discovery of the mentioned two cells may be an evidence for Al-Qaeda's failure in regard to seducing the Saudi citizens to join it as it used citizens of other countries this time. It provides evidence, too, which exposes the objectives and visions of the Saudi citizen which awareness in regard to such risks has increased significantly. Our borders are very long, our area is massive & our outlets are numerous. However, we continued benefiting from our and technological abilities. These activities brought back the prestige of this agency which itself gained big national abilities of very competent knowledge in most of the important agencies. As we are witnessing now how we have surrounded the outlets and basements of the terrorists; we shall understand that the responsibility of this regard has exceeded the defensive position and reached the level of the attacking position. It is such a development that caused us to trust whoever worked within the security service and enhanced its presence through anticipating the event, surrounding its individuals and dealing with them in a similar ability. Such achievements managed to avoid a lot of terrorist tries that have been planned for but reached a level of disability due to failing to penetrate this solid security wall.