Why do major strategic projects become disrupted? Is it because of the governmental bureaucracy, the companies which are not qualified for handling such task or the monopoly of three major companies that gain the billions while assigning their contracting works to the subcontractors to become slow moving & hindered? The strange point in all of these incidents is that we have never heard, read or watched a punishment or a publication about the party behind this! What are the reasons behind such immunity that has no similar in any other country?! We have used our senses to understand the reasons but we coud not reach a solution. However, If we return back to the time of the first flourishing start in which the race was serious in regard to commitment and delivery speed; we shall discover that the reason is due to the joining of Korean & Taiwanese companies which competed the European & American companies through providing a similar quality of work for lesser costs. In the mean time, the said companies have become missed or absent, except for some Chinese contractors who are successful in their countries and other world countries but are unsuccessful or losers in our country!! Another factor is the weak supervision and application of laws as all ministries are not frank about their projects amounts. Some ministries complain from Ministry of Finance while other ones talk about the lack of coordination between the governmental authorities in charge of holidays, man power provision, municipalities slow motion & other interests. Such problems had been solved by many countries which experience in this regard is earlier than ours. However, we did not make use of them. The projects of roads, hospitals, ports, airports, railways, water and others are still lying down in the drawers in a way that led to disrupting the signing of their contracts. Due to the provision of "contractors classification" & "fast implementation binding laws;" government departments have been attributing the reasons to the companies while the later believed that the reason is due to the governmental procedures! Meanwhile, the absence of a Public Works Ministry that shall perform the role of the observer and constitute a reference authority in this regard; the case of disruption shall last for long time. All world countries, whether big or small, complain lack of projectss funding most of the times. Yet, our case is contrary to the said reality as we have large surplus of funds but have no versus or return equal to their value. Unless there is a serious fast motion accompanied with analyzing all the conditions and reasons that led to such deceleration and stoppage; the loser shall be the whole country. Otherwise, what's the use of implemetations plans and times, monitoring directorates and a consultative coucil if they do not treat the resons behind the shortage and face the situation in a way that considers the national interest? Or is all of this left for itself, hoping that time shall fix it or ruin it?! We need radical fundamental reforms in the government bodies due to that they represent the source and mouth of all complications, weak rehabilitation & carelessness at work that led to an underperformance that reached zero in some departments. In spite of that Management Institute provided the rehabilitation and training; its certificates have been used for upgrading & promotion purposes only, rather than for changing the structures of obsolete systems. Whatever the reasons behind disrupting the projects were, exemption from responsibility shall not be for the planner, the administrative officer, contracting works charger & contracts drafting officer only as it is related to many other authorities. The shortage or failure shall keep existing until we find the impossible savior!!