Depending on the UN Security Council to solve the Arabian issues is something proved its failure in Palestine, Western Sahara conflict between Morocco and Algeria, and the occupied islands issues with Iran, thus depending on UN Security Council to solve the Syrian circumstances conflicts with the reality, because the dispute between NATO countries, Russia, and China is a game perfected by both parties to emancipate from any moral or ethical responsibility, even the humanitarian aids provided for the Syrians who suffer from death and closing the borders of neighbor countries are too poor. Now, the Syrian Free Army took a place affects the authority, and occupied regions and passages to defeat fear, which makes the Syrian people believes in being more enthusiastic and participating with the Army. If we knew that the all Syrian people is participating with the Army and provides its services in any emergency case, thus it will be considered as trained reserve army that enhance the role of this army. Now, the issue is not to overcome the deficiency by individuals yet by circumstances that the Syrian people face from financial deficit and military financing. Iraq has publicized its closure of the borders and that it is not able to receive any refugees in a way that prevails the political and sectarian considerations over the humanitarian ones. May be this was done by means of coordination with the Iranian government to push the Syrian people down, which considered a non amiable and non ethical stance, as Syria long time ago has received Iraqi nationals who suffered from coups and wars; and whereas Lebanon subjects to the pressure of abnormal circumstances, and despite its receiving to the largest number of refugees, but refrain from treating the injured people is unjustified. Indeed Hezollah is playing a prominent role in pushing the Lebanese government down for not taking the side of the Syrian government and at least be neutral and not to support the Syrian Free Army or the opposition. We used to the negative stances of the Arab countries in the hard circumstances, and Syria won't be an exception, yet by the measurements of the current time, Al Asad role will endanger the whole Arabian national security, whether by its barefaced alliance with Iran, Hezbollah, and Iraq or its complete silence on what he claims that his country encounters Israel, subsequently his claim proved that Israel is still playing an important role with the West in supporting this regime as it is concerned with safeguarding its borders with Israel than Israel itself. Now Gulf Countries, which suffers from the three allied regimes, shall choose between supporting Iran by Syria, Iraq, and Hezbollah, or impeding the alliance of this crescent by take the initiative of supporting Syrian Free Army and the opposition with all possible means which considered an opportunity to safeguard the security of these countries from plot weaved among these parties to shake the Gulf security and open gabs to Iran in Yemen to tighten its control from several sides. Syria is considered a strategic depth, and has great influence on its Arab and Turkish neighbors, and supporting its new revolution is not necessitated through the political requirements only but also through the existentialism, as all has suffered from the previous regime that manipulated the case of the Kurdish opponent (Oglan) which almost caused a Syrian-Turkish war, then a kind of occupation to Lebanon, killing its symbols, manipulating its resources, and involving Lebanon in war with Israel. Even Jordan experienced the same concerns also Iraq; as it is known that Al Qada elements were taking trainings in Syria then sent to Iraq. Abu Musab Al Zarqawi and others were one of Syrian wings in Iraq, thus to topple this regime is a historical and essential demand necessitated by these facts and hostile practices.