"We are the ones who choose the appropriate response in the appropriate time & we do not accept to be dragged to a battle which time is chosen by the enemy." A justifying sentence which implies being defeated that has been chewed by the Syrian regime and repeated by its political high officials after each act of aggression done by the Israeli enemy in the Syrian territories. However, such appropriate response has not come and may not ever come in the dictionary of the Syrian leadership since 1967. The appropriate time for the appropriate response has been always delayed as the survival of the regime is more important than history, geography (i.e. territory), dignity & Arabism that the said regime has been always boasting about, claiming that it is its home, holder of its flag and the defender of its values and historical legacy. On Wednesday 28 / 06 / 2012, Some Israeli military aircraft penetrated the Syrian atmosphere and flew over Bashar Al-Assad's palace in the port city of Lattakia. It was the second action done by Israel after the Israeli military aircraft fly over Al-Assad's palace in Lattakia in August, 2003 which was so close to the extent that caused the crash of the windows of the palace. On sixth of September, 2007; Israeli military aircraft violated the Syrian airspace and performed a raid that targeted an under construction nuclear reactor in Deirul-Zowr. The Syrian airspace were open to the appetite of the Israeli Air Force for doing whatever it wanted due to that the "appropriate response" is not among the options of the Syrian leadership at all as the appropriate time is delayed in the mentality of a regime which slogan is "no voice shall be higher than the voice of the battle" while the truth is that "the battle" is a mere illusion that they have been feeding to the Syrian citizen and a proper reason for justifying the methods of authoritarianism, corruption, repression, imprisonment and detention camps. What the Syrian lands and its citizens are witnessing today of genocide which is exterminating all the creatures on the Syrian territories by aircraft, missiles, tanks and all sorts of heavy weapons are causing a fearful free death. What is being committed of systematic killing of children, women and elders, & displacement of people who were supposed to be killed but their destinies delayed them for a while to suffer homelessness and wandering in miserable camps located in the neighboring countries' borders with Syria represents a real war declared on the Syrian nation of all components, sects, abilities and wealth. It is the war that the Syrian regime knows well how to wage, rather than the war with the real enemy. In front of such horrors and continuous killing of the Syrian nation that shook the humanitarian conscience; the attitude of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was clear since the beginning as it was trying to help the Syrian citizen to avoid the ravages performed by their regime and its military machine. Such attitude was expressed in many situations of which the last was the cry of Prince Sauod Al-Faisal which was bleeding pain rather than blood. After the joint ministerial meeting between Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Union in Luxembourg, his highness said: "Giving the priority for the Syrian crisis in our discussions has been an inevitable result for the continuation of the ugly crimes against humanity and the destructive killing machine used by the Syrian regime against its people in a severe war that exceeded all the moral, ethical and humanitarian standards, in addition to its violation of the international laws. Such crimes require a bigger effort for dealing with it now in a way that forces the Syrian regime to cease fire instantly and apply the plan of United Nations & Arab League joint envoy fully for reaching a political solution for the crises that meets the aspirations of the Syrian nation. If the Syrian regime continues his excessive use of violence and maltreatment policy; there shall be no option, then, other than applying Chapter 7 of United Nation Charter through a collective international effort." It seems that applying the 7th chapter is coming in the way.