The end of the Syrian condition is not going to be close as long as Security Council Members are the ones who provided Al-Assad with the opportunity of going on in massacres until the last drop of Syrian people's blood. However, his Chinese, Russian & Iranian allies may find themselves among a confrontation with the nations rather than the authorities and this is the issue that led to uttering some words which included criticizing the Syrian regime and confessing that it reached the point of no return in regard to ignoring Anan's project. This ignoring provided the right for adopting more important decisions which are already provided as per the nature of the situation which led Al-Assad to fail in defeating his people who dropped the dread and fear out of their minds. The clash occurring in Security Council is not an indicator about the weakness of the Western situation in front of Al-Assad supporters. These clashes represent auctions which are utilizing or abusing the laws. Otherwise, since when the West has been taking a permission in such cases. In Kosovo crisis, NATO forces bombed Belgrade with no permission and the Chinese embassy had been stricken in that bombing in spite of Russia's consideration that Serbia is a part of its cultural and religious identity. The same thing happened also in Iraq which had been occupied in spite of that Saddam was classified as a leftist and was under the patronage of the Russians. The same thing was applied in the embargo applied on Cuba & North Korea. In all of these cases; these two countries did not have an effective role that could prevent the West from imposing their action without discussions in Security Council. It is the form from which the two parties want to be discharged under false arguments which are not consistent with humanitarian soul logic. Syria is the victim of these situations and the Syrian regime exploited or abused the weakness of the international community for presenting his self as the innocent killer in front of an international scene that do not differentiate between the victim and the criminal and holds them equal in responsibility. The party which closed the doors of solutions is the Syrian regime itself while the scarecrow of a civil war or Al-Qaeda's ability to root itself in Syria in a similar way to what had happened in Iraq is not logical as every day wasted without finding a solution for the crisis pushed the Syrian nation towards inventing and means for defending their lives and accepting any help that lead to saving them. However, what is behind the apparent scene is that the disagreeing parties have met on one point which states that the coming damage shall affect Israel's security in particular while the present regime is the means for securing the borders and keeping it disorder-free, but how the case shall be looking if Al-Assad blew a bigger problem in Lebanon and Hezbollah imposed himself as the new authority in it? Won't this scenario represent clear fears or concern for Israel's security? Or is all of what's going on is a part of a break up policy that was applied in Iraq and is being planned for in Libya?! The west and the East are ignoring, together, the financial / material and military support received by Al-Assad and Russia is not even hiding it but declaring it in a challenging way. Mean while, the west is practicing hypocrisy through declaring that it is in the side of the national rights while it is, at the same time, not supporting the opposition or seeking to establish safe haven for the homeless Syrian nation spreading in Syria's neighboring countries. The case does not need any prediction as the two parties have met and declared a non-vital dispute occurring between them. The crisis may last for a long time during which Syria may be destroyed and its people may become homeless. A new innovative idea states that the alternative of a Shiite crescent shall be a Sunni crescent where the first shall create crisis in the area and the second leads to a more important extremism. The long duration of the battle between two Islamic parties is a source of benefit for all parties where Syria, implicitly, is a part of the conflict due to that its Arab identity should disappear. After this new reality, Syria will need long years for building itself politically, socially and economically and this represents another basic target in regard to aggravating the issues in all countries of the region.