As a new assurance to the Saudi economy ability for achieving international superiority; the Kingdom occupied the 9th position, globally, in the list of best sovereign depts. exporting parties in regard to creditworthiness, according to reports issued by C.M.A. Data Vision and stated that Norway, The united States & Sweden were at the top of best sovereign depts. Exporting parties list, in regard to creditworthiness. This incident coincided with the declaration of Dr. Ibrahim Al Assaaf, Minister of Finance, during Energy Dialogue Forum, and his assurance that the kingdom could withstand in front of 2008 Global Financial Crisis challenges. He added that the kingdom is able to deal with any new challenges that may be imposed by the financial crisis in "Euro Group", which is on the list of the biggest risks that threaten the global financial system. "The position of the kingdom in the 9th level assures that it is one of the least risky countries in the world", said some economists. These international establishments believe that this is clarified, on ground, by the decline in the value of assurance on kingdom's sovereign defaults. This means that Saudi economy is expected to play an important role in attracting the global investments which are looking for future safe havens due to the low degree of risk.