It is not shocking that the Chinese and Russians VETO issuing the decision of the Security Council, but what is hard in this matter is how to explain that. Is the fall of the regimes that were always competing for the loyalty of the two countries during communism still valid, or is the case is to give the world an image that the two countries have international influence and that they don't disappear against the NATO desires. Nearly 3000 Syrians are killed, and a lot more were killed in Libya, Yemen and others, and yet this huge number didn't move the human soul of the two countries, and perhaps the political failure of the Arab region and the absence of any communism remains with a semi-dominance for the west might be some main motives. The bet of those remaining, and those overthrown by the revolutions is that it is killing a big number of people is not important compared to their existence, and China and Russia experience the same events and crimes in Stalin's and Mau Tsi Tong's age that led to the split of the Soviet Union and the disappearance of Mau's ideological heritage for the sake of the western imperialism. The case is not limited to the loss of the Libyan and Syrian citizens only, but it extends to all the Arab citizens that saw in the positions of the two countries a disapproval of a policy that lives on the past ideology when the great powers divided their dominance on most of the world's people. The concern of the Arab revolutions to the two countries might have warned them that the Chinese and Russian citizens would imitate the same scenario, and it is a scenario that China got prepared for after the revolution in Tunisia and its success. Russia is not a democratic country with the internationally known regulations, and thus it is not far away from the Arab infection, then, the most important is if the acknowledgement of the Transitional Syrian National Council progressed from most of the countries in the United Nations the same way it happened with Libya, wouldn't that cause embarrassment for the two countries? None of the old generation that remained loyal in the fifties and sixties of the Arab communist and Marxist that competed to attend the meeting of the left-wing internationalists are left, even inside Syria, except for a semi-isolated minorities, and even the Arab people are not loyal to west so that it becomes a field for a cold war between the two sides. In fact the European and American position from the existence of an acknowledged Palestinian country in the United Nations provoked the anger of the public, and it admitted that the enmity with that entity is constant even if the economic exchanges and political relations doubled. China is the biggest supplier of goods to the Arab countries, and it might not loose the big market but it will loose the respect of the Arab citizen to it, and the problem with Russia is that it is the weapon supplier only and its other industries are not spread, and what applies to its policies applies also on china when it ignores the feelings of more than two million Arabs and multiples of Muslims, but its politics, and the door is open on all probabilities and deals.