How many Arab victims will be gone, or already gone in Yemen, Syria and Libya? By loosing the neutral element that will record the number of the innocent victims and detailed statistic that will take the exaggerated numbers of the lies of the authority, and Libya, according to what is being leaked of data, is the most bloody, whether by Qathafi and his troops or by NATO. The competition for leadership is the complexity of the Arab revolting governments, where all of their security gets exaggerated, the inspections, investigations and militias that are made for emergencies, and building the army also includes the relativity and sect, meaning that it is not considered to be defending the nation, but rather the authority, and that is why Israel is relieved and the oppressive leaders are not! There is not country that faces harsh wars such as Vietnam did, where id was divided into a communist North and a Western South in the invasion era, and it fought France, Japan then America, and it defeated them all with the courage of its citizens, and in this long trio we don't find internal divisions between the people groups that have a lot of differences. Those memories were even decided by the idea that it is a part of the past conflicts, and the first initiatives were to invite the American, Japanese and French companies to invest in this country that went out of incinerators, and the reason is the historical awareness of the national benefits is above the idea of continents and enmities, and it now considered to be among the countries that are among the advanced Asian countries. The first thing that the leader (Mandila) did after he went out of prison and sat on the presidential chair of South Africa is going to his jailers to shake hands with them, forgive them and give them the peace right, and thus they came as a new addition in the economy and human diversity, maintaining the national peace with the most important experience in a country that suffered from racism in its most harsh situations. The Arab situation didn't record any forgiveness in its hard positions to go over itself for more important interests, where allies between countries, sects and organizations were made, but its goals were to strike or boycott the other Arab side, and the nearest fact is the current Palestinian situation that was torn apart by conflicts and put it in the loosing list. The occasion of saying this puts us in front of a continuous doubt, is the division and revenge culture came out of our historical component nature in a tribal culture, or is it that we are a community that don't accept loneliness, which can be spread on its elites and illiterates. Currently- under the Arab revolutions- a lot of opposition elements emerged both internally and externally. The strange thing is that at the moment in which it had to forget its conflicts and its religious, national and sectarian diversity, the same ideas that we experienced in the past decades reoccur. It reoccurs when the Baathist and nationalist ally against communists, but the table quickly flips and the allies start fighting with each other, and perhaps the emergence of an Islamic Political wave added another dimension to the conflicts, not because the Islamic religion has this feature, but because of the political role that its leaders want to play. Until the opposition reach to the national unity ideology in the general freedoms, we have to take lessons from the concepts of the South African leader and from the Vietnamese experience so that we stand in the same place with the unity of the citizens and their leaders.