The Arab Nation occurs between the continents of Europe and Asia, and it combines with Africa. Asia also is in a geographical and population connection presence, but what these continents created in the basic structure in order to grow systems that takes the experience of considering the social circumstances and the equal rights, and how did Europe since the renaissance era started a scientific and economic cycle that spread all over the world and flipped its balances, whether negatively, when the invasion spread over most of the strategic geographical places or source full places, or positively when the continent provided examples that follow in the organization and development the scientific and industrial establishments and led the biggest civilized work in which the first benefiter of it was North America then Japan that spread the experience to its neighbors. We consumed a number of decades in the conspiracy illusion, where we based our plans on a resistance illusion of this unknown ghost, as if other countries didn't enter such crises and wars with the west, but they forgot that to propose the argument question, where should we be heading? The civilized development process is not imported, and is not given, but rather it is a planned and mature acts that can make the changes take its place in the bigger group work, and this is what happened with Asia countries China and India that came strongly to the role of the two powerful poles, and the Arab nation's political voice increased for reformation and establishing an advanced system that involves the social sector in this activity. Education is a main pillar that put Singapore and Malaysia in an advanced position even from some European countries, and the Arab countries disregarded this main side and went into exaggerating itself that we are the center of the world and that we are ale to influence its direction, forgetting that the position, if not supported with initiatives and plans that consider the far future, where the huge wasting percentage in the human qualifications, national resources and favoring the military establishment on the human development, created a bureaucratic and benefiters class, which led to a sharp confusion in incomes, and the emergence of poverty as a huge challenge mark, and this is not because to the lack of the resources, by to its bad management that sent the Generals to sensitive positions in banks, factories and sovereign and development ministries, and thus the failure came to include different sectors, while those that established the first steps considered the differences in their societies to increase their standards in an advanced system that contributed in creating ideal environments? We are not to open history dossiers, but while the Arab society is living a new movement, did each country proposed structuring its goals and first priorities of development in short, middle and long term plans, and do we have an Arabic perspective, whether on the form of Nile countries gatherings, or Maghreb, Sham and Gulf countries along with others in creating entities that start the first step and forget all the obstacles and conflicts, or would it continue to be spread all over the Arab Nation, where each wants to be the leader with the important role, while if we compare the small Bahrain and its development with other Arab country that is backward development-wise we would find a big difference although it has little resources, and it is a story that proposes challenges that are to be answered by each one that has a leading position in the big nation.