The auctions in the Palestinian case varied between being Arabic, Islamic and international, which was helped by the clashes between the leaderships and its sectors that thought that the variety of loyalties widens the circle of its supporters, but the opposite was true where it entered conflicts and memberships of terrorist organizations along with multiple loyalties that harmed the case and its citizens. The decision don't get judged unanimously and that resulted in a lot of conflicts that are purely personal, and now they have to acknowledge the Palestinian government on the pre-1967 land, which is a very complicated mission, where the request will be carried by the General Secretary of the United Nations and Security Council, and in case America took the right to veto in the council then the request will be voted on in the International Organization, and the indiciations say that it will receive a huge acceptance, if we knew that the Islamic and third world, and countries that are not lonkned to opposing western policies that will be the biggest favorer, but the acknowledgement needs abnormal effort because the opposition is very hard with America and its allies. America is with the Israeli desire, because the existence of a Palestinian country that is a member of the United Nations will put any Israeli act in front of the international viewpoint, which might not condemn only, but might also make decisions in the favor of the Palestinians, and any assault on a member country will expose it for what is worse when it is the one that makes decisions in the cases of kidnapping, assaulting, imprisoning, taking lands and eliminating what they thought to be an illusing, the Palestinian country, making use of the current circumstances. Sending delegations to different countries that sympathasize with the Palestinian citizens, holding conferances even inside America and communicating with Jews that are opposing the Israeli policies needs skillful negotiators either from Palestine, Arabs or external parties, because gathering the support for the case may create a general view that is opposite to the position of Israel and America. Europe is varying between supporting a Palestinian country and opposing it, and it is with America, forming the majority of the memberships in the Security Council, and the procedure o understanding their positions and defining it will enhance the peace process that always stop because of Israel's intransigence. And perhaps the growth of the European awareness about the case is starting to embarrass their governments, because the inhumanity manifestations that the Palestinians suffered from are not justified by the sayings of citizens that returned to their lands, because there is no ultimate ownership that assumes exiling of citizens and replacing them with others, except what happened in America, Australia and New Zealand that is similar to the situation of Israelis in Palestine. Acknowledging the Palestinian country, even if it was not close, is one of the constants that can't change realities, and the communication tools that reduced the one concept and personal believes widened the circle of objective understanding, and Israel is the same as any other country that is put in front of the general view by any positive or negative act that it makes. The general view, even if the interests of every country ruled it, rejects the abuse concept with its objective and core causes, and the Palestinian right of having a country on his land is indisputable, and America's justification in rejecting the country and using the dialogue between the case sides doesn't bring anything new because it entered the core of this work and failed since the invasion until today, and its justification remains incomplete because it is considered to be escaping from the moral responsibility in its core.