Google statistics and analysis website revealed new records for the number of readers and visitors to Al Riyadh newspaper website (Al Riyadh Com) and the direct Al Riyadh news website (Al Riyadh Net) in the first half of the year 2011. The number of visits reached about (250 million visits), which is a new record that Al Riyadh website reaches since its launch in 1998. The visitors' geography varied among different countries that are headed by Saudi Arabia then the United states, European region and gulf countries, while the number of visits from Arab countries were close especially from Lebanon and Egypt. It is worth mentioning that the electronic media department proposed different projects in the begging of this year resembled in launching the website ( to follow news live and the website (Al Riyadh recruitment) as well as the English version of Al Riyadh newspaper. The smart phones services were also launched through specifying (hand copies) that match the different devices such as iPhone, iPad, Nokia and finally a special version for Android system that was provided to the readers last week.