We remember the controversy and the wide opposition to women's education based on unrealistic justifications and later the change of mind of those who were opposing the idea of sending their girls to schools, colleges or Universities. This is the norm of any unreasonable denial based on illogical beliefs. As Riyadh city is hosting one of the biggest girls Universities cared for by King Abdullah, we think of the future perspectives and how girls will occupy a prominent place either through this object oriented colleges or princesses Nora bint Abdurrahman University, how a illiteracy free society would look like and foresee a preparation of science, education and creativity for future outstanding number of graduates who will occupy a leading scientific, academic and managerial positions. Investment in education is not subject to profit and loss equation in order to gain scientific and economical powers among advanced countries. King Abdullah, who has improved education and laid the foundation stone to transfer the society in such a record time into an advanced country by placing education as one of our priorities to reach for globalization, not only by financial means, but rather by employing human resources, which is considered the ultimate capital assets. Repeated complaints on shortage in national human resources of different disciplines in the government departments and different private and public sectors will be cured by establishing this great, and other similar, Universities. Thus will broaden disciplines including rare ones and hence the scarcity of talent cadres. The organization of citizen—employer relationship is linked to improving existing system in order to create a framework capable of accommodating for graduates of both genders. The second issue is the shortage of qualified senior staff to fill vacant positions in colleges, Universities and large establishments. National self-sufficiency is an important factor in the overall development whether being in Universities, research centers or elsewhere. This is a great occasion. Those who carefully look at the location, plans, the massive plots, the financial cost and the quick achievement would realize that there is a great will of a man who is leading advancement of mind and great expectations for centuries to come. King Abdullah, who established the economic bases, the subsequent industrial and commercial branches and open doors for national and foreign investments, has also sought for the expansion of different levels and disciplines of education and supported them financially and morally through an unprecedented government spending knowing very well that the return will be great. This requires avoiding the usual third world countries routine where education comes as the least priority, which in return leads to underdevelopment. While we seek, through this advance, to narrow distance with developed countries, we realize that the person who persist to finish this project is the leading force of our life and development.