The Saudi newspaper " Al Riyadh " launched its new web site with its English version during a ceremony held by the newspaper management with attendance of its Editor – in – Chief Mr. Turki Bin Abdullah Al Sedairi . Engineer Hani Al Ghfaili – electronic media manager in Al Riyadh Newspaper said that the new version of the site had achieved after many requests received by the newspaper to provide a translation of its news into English especially by the residents in the kingdom, foreign embassies and international agencies . Therefore, the idea was to provide the newspaper web site in many languages, starting with English being the most important language in the whole world. Worth mention that Al Riyadh newspaper web site had been launched in 1998 and passed through a lot of development stages and electronic services, especially after the newspaper allocated a complete division for electronic media that shall bear the task for development, updating and programming of the newspaper electronic site in addition to the news services through mobile phones. To visit English Version of alriyadh Newspaper :