Bollywood's Dhak Dhak girl is all set to don the producer's hat. The beautiful actress will be producing a Marathi film. Her fans have been eagerly waiting to see their very own ‘Marathi Mulgi', one of the most famous Marathi actresses in Bollywood, Madhuri Dixit, as part of a Marathi film since years. Finally, the wait is over, as fans will get to see Madhuri in the Producers's Role very soon. While Madhuri and RnM Moving Pictures (her production house) have previously produced e-learning and DTH content, this will be the first time they're stepping into producing a feature film. Though the name of the film hasn't been revealed yet, the preparations have begun and the film will be shot later this year. Yogesh Vinayak Joshi (writer of Mumbai Meri Jaan, Tendulkar Out and Hava Aney Dey that won awards at several international film festivals) has written the script, Swapnaneel Jayakar (of the super successful Tendulkar Out fame) is the director and Nitin Prakash Vaidya will work as the Executive Producer. The cast and rest of the crew will be finalized in the coming months. The concept of the film has been kept under wraps for now, but it's going to be a warm family entertainer. The film will release sometime next year. Talking about her new venture, Madhuri says, "We at RnM Moving Pictures are very excited to step into this new role and start working on the project. It's a family entertainer and we have a lovely team on board. I am looking forward to start the shooting process soon." Let's wish Madhuri great success in her new endeavour!