Dell, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017, confirmed the long running rumor that Microsoft will release the Creators Update in April this year. However until now the exact date of the launch was not known. The Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update, which has been given the codename Redstone 2, will go live for both PC's and smartphones in the coming month. A new report has surfaced which suggests that some sources, all of whom wish to stay anonymous, have revealed that the much-awaited Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update will be rolled out gradually to the whole world on April 11. Apart from the date no new specifics have been revealed about the update. Microsoft itself has stated in its official website that the update is still under works and anything or everything about it may get changed. "Product under development; features, timing and devices are subject to change," stated Microsoft in its Windows 10 Creators update page. It is being expected that Microsoft may announce the release date of Creators Update by the end of March or the first week of April. Even if Microsoft announces the release dates, it is advisable to take them with a pinch of salt as it has not always been very accurate given past records. Similar to Microsoft's Anniversary update, users participating in the Windows Insiders Program would be the first ones to lay their hands on the Creators Update. Users can also expect the launch of a new Windows 10 build sometime this week before the RTM build gets complied. Given that the Creators Update is close to its launch, Microsoft has already started working on its next Creators Update codenamed Redstone 3. The official name is yet to be disclosed; however, one can expect the update to go live in Fall 2017. Although it is true that Microsoft has stated that specs and features are subjected to change, it has also listed a few probable ones on its Creators Update page. Here are some of the expected features the update may bring. 3D Content: Microsoft has focused on the creation of 3D content in Windows 10 Creators Update. One will be able to capture, create, view and also share 3D graphics through Paint and PowerPoint. Microsoft with this update will permit users to create 3D shapes in paint and share them with the world. Microsoft Edge: The Edge web browser will now come with more details, amongst which native support for mixed reality, focusing on WebVR is one of its key features. The browser will be able to show VR content to Windows 10 users without installing any extensions or plug-ins. Previous reports have hinted at the possibility of a Picture-in Picture mode coming in the Creators Update, as well as a Reset app feature among others.