Even before Samsung announced an official unveiling date for its forthcoming flagship, the Galaxy S8, the floodgates were already open wide, with the web awash with rumors about the handset. A curved infinity display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chip, 64 GB of internal storage, and 8 GB of RAM were just some of the whispers that assigned a shroud of legitimacy to the enigmatic Galaxy S8. New Galaxy S8 Images Leaked Purportedly leaked images of the handset proved more promising, though, and there have been a dearth of them running out and about. Thankfully, there are newer ones, and despite the typical cautionary tag that comes with rumors, this new series of leaked images are seemingly legitimate. Thanks to Slash Leaks, all-angle images of the Galaxy S8 have emerged, giving everybody a potentially early look at what the handset might actually end up looking like. The first image shows the rumored Infinity display, with very minimal bezels bookending the phone's top and bottom. The leaked images also suggest that Samsung has incorporated virtual navigation buttons, such as one for "Home," and placed the fingerprint scanner at the back panel, to accommodate the display's higher screen-to-body ratio. Previous rumors about Samsung placing the sensor all the way to the back panel aren't new, but this new series of leaked images illustrate it the clearest so far. SamMobile suggests that the sensor could also stand in as a physical home button, much like LG's G series of handsets. While plausible, it's unlikely that Samsung will opt for such a setup, especially given the presence of a virtual home button in-software Several more details that can be gleaned from the images are the presence of a headphone jack, thankfully; possibly a USB-C Type-C port on the bottom, which isn't unusual; a SIM card or microSD slot at the top, and front and rear cameras. The images also labeled which one was the Galaxy S8 and which one was the Galaxy S8 Plus, although there isn't a world of differences; just mostly the screen size. Of course, as with all rumors, the leaked images should be taken with copious amounts of salt. The official reveal isn't too far anyway. Samsung is poised to unveil the elusive handset come March 29, during Samsung's Unpacked event. There, the company will finally help consumers wrap their heads around its charmingly vague "This was a phone," teaser, although by the looks of it, Samsung might be banking on changing the course of smartphone development to make nearly bezel-less screens a permanent thing going forward. Time, however, will tell. Quick Rundown Of Galaxy S8 Rumors If you simply can't wait for the March 29 event, aching for morsels from the trove of info-seas with regard to the Galaxy S8, we'll humor you: some suggest that it will entail 64 GB of internal storage, as previously mentioned, but in terms of RAM, there's a bit of parity: some are saying 4 GB, some 6, and other, more earlier rumors point to 8, which might account to the purported "Beast Mode."