Football fans on Snapchat have a brand new way to show support for their favourite team on the photo-sharing app. Snapchat has teamed up with some of Europe's top football clubs across the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain to release 13 new selfie lenses. Lenses are visual effects that appear over your face in real-time, turning you into a pirate, an angel - or in this case, a football fan, with your face "painted" in the colours of your favourite team. The lenses also incorporate augmented reality technology that enables the animation to "dynamically interact" with the user - so you can head a virtual ball, and the ball will respond to your movements in real-time. This creates a new game-like experience, according to Snapchat. Snaps can be shared with friends as pictures or video messages, or posted to your Snapchat 'My Story' so all your friends can see it.