The President of General Auditing Bureau Osama bin Jaafar Faqih will head the Bureau's delegation participating in the annual meeting of the Committee of Building Institutional Capabilities of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) to be held in the city of Stockholm, the Kingdom of Sweden during the period from 8-10 / 9/2015, with the participation of the heads of the of the Committee. President Faqih, in his capacity as Chairman of the Organization's Committee for Financial and Administrative Affairs responsible for the preparation and follow up the implementation of the strategic plans, will submit a report on the features of the 3rd strategic plan of (INTOSAI) organization, its main objectives and priorities in the field of strengthening the institutional and human capabilities of audit member bodies and work to build competencies of audit bodies, especially in developing countries, through the intensification of training and technical assistance operations and exchange of information and other activities, as well as cooperation with other committees of 'INTOSAI' and its initiative for the development of strategies for the implementation of international standards aimed at the independence of the audit bodies and their integrity and building their institutional capacity. During the three-day meeting, the topics on the agenda will be discussed.