The Al-Jazeera channel represents the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt by reflecting their point of view and promoting their group. Objectivity is completely missing from Al-Jazeera's news coverage in Egypt. The channel is fully committed to the group, which nearly destroyed the country's economy and national unity in one year. I live in London where I only watch BBC and CNN. However, I travel half the time and, when I am staying in Arab countries, I watch the Arab news channels of each country, mainly Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, in addition to the two afore-mentioned British and American ones. I almost wrote this column a month or a year ago but I didn't, because I am not a provocative person. However, I just returned to London two days ago following a tour that included Bahrain, Sharjah, and Dubai, where I was getting my news from Arab channels. I ended up concluding that Al-Arabiya and the other channels are more objective in their Egyptian news coverage than Al-Jazeera, which seemingly has a very pro-MB team. I believe that I know Egypt very well. I know all the people, from the president to the cab driver and everyone in between. I spent my life loving Egypt and its people and I hope I am being objective when I say that I have reached the conviction that Al-Jazeera represents one point of view in Egypt. Indeed, Al-Jazeera is covering for the Brotherhood's' errors and sins. The actual facts – rather than the personal opinions – indicate that the Brotherhood are encouraging terrorism to say the least. The Brotherhood's history in and outside power represents a blatant proof to that. Two policemen were killed in Ismailiya while Dr. Mohamed Morsi was on trial. The Brotherhood and their incitement are responsible for the killing. Al-Jazeera mentioned nothing about this, but rather alluded to the "massive" protests. I only saw a few dozen or hundred persons during those protests, knowing that 30 million Egyptians had taken to the street to topple President Morsi. These millions represent the Egyptian legitimacy, which revoked whatever legitimacy the MB president had. On a daily basis and for an entire year, Morsi proved that he doesn't know how to rule and that he puts his group ahead of the Egyptian people. Morsi issued the 2012 constitution, which was the worst constitution in Egyptian history since it shielded the president against any legal accountability. By doing so, Morsi aimed at putting the MB in charge of all the state's main facilities and institutions, thus placing loyalty ahead of competency. The Muslim Brotherhood stole the revolution away from Egypt's youth. In one year, they ruined every hope they ever had to remain in power. They are now "yesterday's news". If Al-Jazeera's Brotherhood – who are no Qataris – were to be persuaded by this, they would restore the credibility and popularity that the channel had in the mid 1990s when it was first launched. I am not happy about writing this. I have no personal issues with anyone. Mine is a national issue that begins and ends with Egypt. I believe that Al-Jazeera is fooling its public by supporting a group that must not be defended. Al-Jazeera's Egyptian news coverage is biased towards the MB alone despite their political failure and associated terrorism. These have been the MB deeds; and anyone who refuses to admit this is lying. Finally, and before I am accused of major treason, I must say that this column criticized Al-Jazeera only in one specific aspect, Egypt's news coverage. I did not criticize the channel's news coverage in Syria, Iraq, or anywhere else. I also never criticized Al-Jazeera's economic news coverage. I only condemned the channel's news coverage in Egypt. I am also definitely not criticizing the Qatari government or politics. I always had a good relationship with Sheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa (you may ask him if you wish) and I congratulated Sheikh Tamim Ben Hamad when he acceded to power and I thanked him for his speech at the UN General Assembly. I even wrote a column in support of that speech. I have also always supported Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned who is a good lady working for her country's and the entire Arab nation's good. I even wrote a column about her since I know her like no critic does; I follow up on her work and I thank her for it. All I want is for Sheikh Tamim to work on correcting the biased Al-Jazeera news coverage in Egypt. [email protected]