The situation between America, Iran and Israel is as follows, and any other claims are incorrect. Israel possesses a confirmed nuclear arsenal, and has not signed the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Israel is a racist occupation state that is destroying Palestinian presence in the country with every passing day. Yet it wants the United States to threaten Iran with war, should it press ahead with its nuclear program, and is even attempting to impose a red line on Iran through Washington. Iran has a nuclear program that it claims is for peaceful purposes alone, but no one believes the Islamic Republic. Yet even if Iran produces a nuclear bomb, or a hundred nuclear bombs, it can never pose a risk to Israel, because it would be wiped off the face of the planet if it uses nuclear weapons. A few weeks before the presidential election, the United States is facing fierce Israeli extortion with the help of Israel's gang that comprises the lobby, the neocons and the Likudniks, whose sole allegiance is to Israel. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a war criminal who took part in the attack on civilian aircraft at the airport in Beirut in 1968, is almost ordering U.S. President Barack Obama to warn Iran and threaten it with war if it does not halt its nuclear program, and is even suggesting red lines that the U.S. administration must abide by, lines which if Iran cross, would come under military attack by the U.S. and Israel. Today, or ten or even a hundred years later, Iran cannot pose any risk whatsoever to the U.S. It is simple impossible. Yet a neo-Nazi state is “ordering" the leader of the free world to threaten Iran on its behalf. Today, there are some among the Arabs who purport that Iran, not Israel, is the threat to our nation, which borders on high treason. I ask, why do our countries not seek to produce a nuclear bomb, in response to Israel and Iran? I do not want the Middle East to be a WMD-zone, but I say once again, as I said before, that if the Arab countries seek to acquire nuclear weapons, this would be the only way to force the United States, and both east and west, to rid the region of such weapons. These countries have accepted and even enabled Israel's nuclear arsenal, and may accept an Iranian arsenal, but will never allow Arabs to possess nuclear weapons. All the above is correct, and is based on facts, and I have not yet expressed a new opinion that the reader can accept or reject. Staying with facts, the Prime Minister of Israel, who is the leader of a criminal ring of murder and destruction, will visit the United States soon. It seems that Barack Obama does not want to receive him, because he knows that Netanyahu will put pressure on him to snatch a position against Iran that does not reflect any American interest. Obama also realizes that if he caves in to Netanyahu, he would be betraying the post that the Americans elected him to, and that if he rejects pressure by Israel, then the latter will use it along with the pro-Israel media in America, to wage a new campaign against Barack (Hussein Obama), the alleged closeted Muslim who has abandoned the “only democracy" in the Middle East. This way, Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate and Netanyahu would stand to gain, as he has promised to back any Israeli war on Iran – that is if he does not wage one himself against Iranian nuclear facilities, to serve Israel and no one else. I read in the Israeli press that there is a dispute between Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak over a strike against Iran. But I believe nothing of that, because Barak is another war criminal and terrorist murderer whom we saw in Beirut in 1973. He and Netanyahu are on the right of the extreme Israeli right, which is drowned in Biblical myths (they both know they are myths, but exploit them nonetheless). The only opinion I have today is that Netanyahu, with the help of the same gang, is planning for an “October Surprise", i.e. something that would turn American politics upside down, to help the Republican candidate. Indeed, he knows that if the Democratic candidate returns to the Oval Office, he will not be serving Israel, but his country America. [email protected]