The term conspiracy has almost disappeared from the political lexicon used these days. Everyone who speaks of a conspiracy is immediately accused of being either an extremist or an ignorant. Thus, there is no conspiracy against Palestine and its people, nor is there one against the Egyptian revolution, or an Iranian one against Bahrain and other GCC countries, an oil-Israeli conspiracy for the occupation of Iraq, or conspiracies by al-Qaeda to kill Muslims in every country, after killing ‘Jews and Crusaders' became no longer possible. I do not recall that I have ever invoked a conspiracy of any kind in the past twenty years. However, I will talk about two conspiracies today, not just one, or – if we want to be precise –plans for two conspiracies that I place at the readers' disposal. The two conspiracies involve the request presented by the Palestinian Authority to the UN General Assembly, in order to vote over recognizing an independent Palestinian state near the end of the month, and the other involves the government of Israel. In fact, the latter is a conspiracy against humanity itself. As such, the Israeli government is behaving as if recognizing a Palestinian state would annihilate Israel and push the Jews into the sea. Every day, the Israeli government attempts to create an atmosphere of fear and tension in Israel, and uses the Israel lobby, the American gang of evil and the Likudniks everywhere, along with the U.S. Congress which the Israelis bought off, all to incite against the victims of the occupation, murder and dispossession, and to thwart a vote that would survey what the whole world thinks about a neo-Nazi state that has effectively inherited the former South African apartheid. The first conspiracy is that an international conference on ‘climate change', i.e. global warming, will be held in conjunction with the vote over Palestinian statehood. While the public information known so far states that the vote would take place at the end of this month, and that the conference on climate change would be held at the end of next month, I have been following attempts at the UN to hold a preparatory meeting for the general conference, and this meeting would indeed coincide with the vote. The second conspiracy is the European attempt to hold a conference at the UN headquarters about the ‘future of Libya', coinciding with the vote on the Palestinian State. The idea here is that the Arabs will not be able to refuse discussing the future of Libya, which is now being welcomed back to the Arab block and the international community, following the nightmare of Muammar Gaddafi and his criminal regime. I ask the Arab readers here to observe the efforts of the French government in this regard. The problem of the Arab uprisings is that they have distracted the Arab people from all else […] Meanwhile, efforts around the clock are being exerted as though Israel would vanish off the map as soon as the state of Palestine is recognized. Here, I will go over some examples from the Israeli press for the benefit of the Arab readers, with a focus on the vote in the General Assembly and the efforts of the Netanyahu government to thwart it: Sunday 28/8: September is Palestine's month, or the month that will witness the birth of a state on paper only, as their newspapers claim. The Moldovan brothel bouncer Avigdor Lieberman, who is Israel's Foreign Minister, claims that the stance of Abu Mazen who refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state reveals his final objective, which is a Palestinian state that would replace Israel. Monday 29/8: The impostor and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu says that if the Palestinians go to the United Nations, they would be violating their agreements with Israel. This, mind you, comes from a fascist who murders, destroys and steals people's homes every day. As regards the so-called agreements, none of them were ever implemented, and I reject them all as an Arab citizen. Tuesday 30/8: The United States asks 71 countries to refrain from recognizing the Palestinian state, while Netanyahu decides not to go the United Nations so as to not be present there during the historic vote over Palestinian statehood, and I thus believe it likely that Avigdor Lieberman would go instead. I hope that the readers would notice here that Mahmoud Abbas, or any member of his delegation, can trace back their ancestry in Palestine hundreds of years in the past, as opposed to the immigrant from Moldova, whose primary field is guarding night clubs and ‘bouncing' for them, which makes him of course extremely qualified to represent Israel in international forums. Wednesday 31/8: There is Israeli talk about a report prepared by an Israeli professor at Oxford University for Palestinians. It purports that the vote over Palestinian statehood hurts the interests of the Palestinians. Of course, that is their wishes, but they will not be able to persuade the Palestinian Authority to change its position. Thursday 9/1: The settlers, i.e. the thieves who live on the lands and in the homes that belong to the Palestinians, are organizing themselves in anticipation of a Palestinian incursion following the vote. There are reports that Netanyahu's government has even provided these settlers with arms, including gas canisters to use against the Palestinians, while other reports maintain that the settlers have bought fire arms to use in a confrontation they have decided is coming. Yesterday, Friday 9/2: We read that Salam Fayyad has asked the Israeli government to advance the payments due for the Palestinian Authority by a few days, so that the Palestinian employees can receive their salaries and purchase what they need for Eid. However, Benjamin Netanyahu deferred this to the Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, who refused to approve the advance in order to pressure the Palestinian Authority. I say they are neo-Nazis who are good at plotting, and there can be no peace with them, neither today, nor tomorrow. [email protected]