Next September, the UN General Assembly will convene and declare with an overwhelming majority its recognition of the state of Palestine within the borders of 1967. Palestine's borders are from the sea to the river. The Ashkenazi Jews stole a country from its native inhabitants with the collusion of the states that perpetrated the massacre against the Jews in Germany and elsewhere, or turned a blind eye to their murder only for us to pay the price for it. Today, the Palestinians have accepted a state on 22 percent of their land, but the occupation itself has not. The Western countries meanwhile declare a stance, but at the same time work in secret to assist Israel, even with a fascist and racist government that brings together a coalition of gangs of organized crime, not political parties, and even though it is led by terrorists, not politicians. I do not see that there will be any major changes on the ground after the declaration of the state of Palestine, but only a continuation of the occupation, destruction and murder with Western – especially American - complicity. But I will leave the future for clairvoyants and speak only of what I know, and will thus say that Ehud Barak's next visit to Washington will fail, because he is a war criminal opposed to peace. Meanwhile, the WikiLeaks cables published by the Washington Post, concerning the Obama administration's stance in the aftermath of Israel's 2008-2009 war on Gaza, show that Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, defended Israel with an enthusiasm that outdid even the Likudnik John Bolton, the UN ambassador of the Bush administration which murdered one million Arabs and Muslims in Iraq and elsewhere. The leaks deserve to be translated word for word and published in a book, so that the whole world may see how the ambassador of the Obama administration thwarted every attempt to investigate Israel's crimes and pressured the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and every international body or investigator who sought the truth. The leaked cables also show how Susan Rice colluded and coordinated with Israeli officials, and accepted to meet with the impostor Danny Ayalon, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, and coordinate with him, and even with the extremist Avigdor Lieberman, the nightclub bouncer from Moldova, who rejects any peace that the Obama administration claims to be seeking. Perhaps Rice is now reading the campaigns by the American Likudniks against her and realizes that dealing with these people is futile. We know now that Judge Richard Goldstone, whose report bore his name, retracted the results of the reports that he himself had signed. I say that he was defeated in a fierce psychological war waged against him by the Israeli terrorists and their advocates. After the report was published, Goldstone became an outcast and a self-hating 72 year old Jew with no friends or allies. The pretext that Goldstone elaborated in an article ran by the Washington Post condemns him personally, and invalidates nothing of the findings reached by the report regarding Israel (and Hamas). Goldstone said that he based his retraction on the Israeli army investigations of some 400 incidents during the Gaza War, after which the army exonerated itself from charges of committing crimes against civilians. In other words, Goldstone the judge asked the defendant in the dock before him to investigate crimes the defendant is accused of having perpetrated, and then accepted the defendant's own findings. The three commissioners who co-authored the report then put an end to this issue. They wrote an article in the Guardian in which they unequivocally said:, “We concur in our view that there is no justification for any demand or expectation for reconsideration of the report as nothing of substance has appeared that would in any way change the context, findings or conclusions of that report with respect to any of the parties to the Gaza conflict”. In other words, the report did not ‘disappear' as Susan Rice had publicly wished it would. Instead, it returned to the limelight, and the UN Human Rights Council recommended that it be sent to the General Assembly, and then the Security Council for possible referral to the International Criminal Court. Israel itself is a crime committed against the Palestinians, since its inception to the present day. The Western nations which support Israel are complicit in its ongoing everyday crimes. Even nowadays, while I am writing with Easter afoot, Israel is denying Palestinian Christians access to the holy sites in Jerusalem, and the Western countries that are supposed to be Christian are doing nothing to help them. Every Christian around the world can visit Jerusalem, provided that he is not a Palestinian Christian from outside the city. Having detailed my opinion on Israel and the Western countries that enable its crimes, I continue with the Palestinians themselves. I believe that any decision by the UN General Assembly will become a dead letter if they remain divided into the West Bank and Gaza, while their leaders fight one another with fervor that is unmatched even in their fight against Israel. The UN General Assembly's resolution might be a good first step if the Palestinians indeed manage in the upcoming few months before it to unify their ranks. But if they remain divided, they would be proving to the whole world, including Arabs and Muslims, that they do not deserve to have an independent state. [email protected]