I admit that I am an Arab peace seeker. But these three words are contradictory, because Arabs or Muslims are supposed to be quintessential warmongers seeking to dominate the world and subject it to Sharia law. Yet, I am a peace seeker even though this contradicts my roots, and I seek no war or for anyone to be killed, be they Arabs, Jews or Americans. Even al-Qaeda's criminal terrorists, I demand that they be imprisoned inside a cave, since they want us to go back to the caves, and that the door be shut on them so that people may be spared their evil. They can be served meals through a small hole near the ground. I also demand that the senior officials of the Bush/Cheney administration be imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay, and that they be charged with war crimes, but only years after their imprisonment. I write this while being aware that it does not matter whether I am a peace seeker or warmonger because I will not spread this nor prevent that. However, I am writing out of concern, even fear, and with the background of the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 11/9/2001. Millions of words have been written about it, but none of the arguments made available to me or that time has allowed me to read were correct regarding the true reasons behind those attacks, and we all know that no disease can be treated without its underlying causes being first understood. I will skip history until the year 1967, and the June 5 war, which marked the beginning of total American commitment to Israel during Lyndon Johnson's term. Before, the American stances were moderate and positive, as evident from Dwight Eisenhower's stance against the tripartite aggression in 1956. Disillusionment with the United States turned into animosity in the end. If I am to give an example, from Lebanon where the entire nation is represented, the known right-wing parties gradually turned into the left, i.e. to the communist camp, although they were fascist in the beginning. For instance, the Syrian National Party became the Syrian Socialist National Party; its head at the time Dr. Aballah Saadeh said in a press conference after being released from prison: “We start in the right because the right is older, and we end up in the left because the future is for the left. As for the Arab Nationalist Movement which spawned the Return Youths and the Youths for Revenge, it transformed from one Bedouin who wanted revenge into a leftist party”, while the Popular Front split into a Popular Front and a Democratic Front which competed on which is more leftist than the other. The above is a historical background or facts, and not an opinion that might be wrong or right. I remembered it as I saw the Americans remembering their victims who perished on that fateful day. But they remembered those they lost and forgot the other victims whose death will be the justification for the next terrorist attacks. I condemned the terrorist attacks on the day they took place, and I still do without reservation at all. However, I insist that this terrorism did not come out of thin air. As the U.S policy has been hostile to Arabs and Muslims over many decades, it is as responsible for terrorism as those who perpetrated it are. I am talking about responsibility only on the premise that terrorism will continue if its underlying causes are not addressed. Also, if terrorism endures for a long time, it will inevitably end up using weapons of mass destruction. I argue in favor of another background: Today, the terrorist ideology is being accused of seeking to impose Islamic domination and Sharia law on the world and the world population. Even if we assume that this is true, the chances of actually achieving this is zero or below zero. On the other hand, there was a gang in the Bush administration led by Dick Cheney and the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that attempted to impose an American empire on the world, while their objectives converged with those of the neo-conservative supporters of Israel. The terrorists who seek Jihad killed three thousand Americans, while the advocates of an American empire killed more than one million Arabs and Muslims in pursuit of their goal. However, both failed to achieve anything beyond killing innocent victims, and yet, they continue to work to achieve their objectives. Al-Qaeda continues to practice terror, while the advocates of the empire are yet to be brought to justice for their role in the killing of thousands of Americans along with hundreds of thousands of Muslims. In fact, they are now the most dangerous opponents of Barack Obama inside the United States, and may return to power to pursue their dream, or the nightmare of the rest of the world. In the accepted account of world history, it has never happened that one religion or country ruled the entire world. Once again, what is needed is to alter U.S policy before it is too late. This is in the interest of the United States before being an Arab and Islamic interest, because the terrorists among the Muslims only emerged and survived because of this policy, and will continue to find soldiers for the cause of terrorism as long as this policy continues. In truth, this policy never truly protects Israel, and instead pushes it towards further extremism and rejection of peace until the day comes when Israel's nuclear arsenal that protects it against other states, will not protect it against death-seeking terrorists, death that will be easier when these terrorists acquire weapons of mass destruction. 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