In the nineties, after the Oslo accords, we all believed that peace was just around the corner. We accepted less than a quarter of Palestine and encouraged Abu Ammar, Abu Mazen, Abu Alaa and their colleagues to follow the path of peace, even when it was a curtailed peace that was unfair to the Palestinians. What followed is known to the reader and the peace process was ruined with the ascension of the war criminal Ariel Sharon to power in February 2001. The whole of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and there are no traces there of any Jewish Kingdoms or of their false prophets, who only existed in the biblical myths. Nevertheless, I was in support of peace at the time, I worked for it and I still support it, even if it is curtailed, because I am against all wars, killings and destruction. However, I feel today that peace is impossible with the present Israeli government, which is nothing but a fascistic war cabal that represents in itself another impossibility: I had thought one day that it is impossible to see a human monster worse than Sharon, but then a government emerged and all of its members competed with him in their tendency for murder, destruction and theft of Palestinians' homes. This is while Benjamin Netanyahu is conspiring against Kadima through Shaul Mofaz and Ehud Olmert is writing a book, in which he attacks Ehud Barak. Moreover, the gangster Avigdor Lieberman had threatened to target the High Dam with a nuclear bomb, which is something that not even Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, as the latter only said that Israel should be wiped off the map. This can be done if, for example, the Khazari Jews were to return to whence they came. Lieberman then followed this threat with another, this time of a war against Syria and even threatened the family of Dr. Bashar al-Assad, like a brothel bouncer in Moldova would do as he threatens to mutilate one of the customers with a razor blade. Between this and that, he also threatened Lebanon and has recently attacked Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri whom I have known for many years. There is no one in the world like our friend Saad and what he represents is the antithesis of Lieberman, in terms of civility, honesty and the way he treats others. Lieberman is facing charges of corruption in Israel. He heads a party of Russian and eastern European immigrants to Israel (many of whom do not actually speak Hebrew, were not originally Jewish and immigrated to Israel to escape the communist paradise). Lieberman himself speaks to his bodyguards in Russian, to the point that other guards complained that they often do not understand what is going on around them. Furthermore, the second man in this party of economic emigrants, i.e Yisrael Beiteinu, is Uzi Landau, the Infrastructure Minister, who recently graced us with a statement akin to what is usually said in Mafia circles, when he said that Abu Mazen is like Abu Ammar (which is an honour for the latter by the way) and that the difference is that one used to kill like a murderer in London, ripping the corpses of his victims and the other is like the Boston Strangler. I want to stoop to Landau's level so he can understand me and I want to say that Abu Ammar's shoe that he left behind in al-Mukata'a is more honourable than all the dead and living Israeli leaders combined. When Landau speaks of an English or American criminal, this is because he knows nothing else other than the world of crime, from which he emerged. If I wanted to describe Landau, then there is no one else closer to being like him, save for a Nazi war criminal that could be Joseph Goebbels or the other Joseph, i.e. Joseph Mengele, the ‘Angel of Death'. No one likes Israel, as the latter had inherited the South African apartheid, or the former racial segregation regime. It is a hateful and hated state that has no supporters other than the Jewish lobby and the Congressmen in its pockets, after the Capitol Hill became, thanks to them, an Israeli-occupied land. I will content myself here with the example we see in universities, whose students are the future of this world. The members of the Israeli cabinet and the advocates of Israel, or in other words, its partners in the crime against the Palestinians, can barely speak at a university today without being heckled by the students and/or without being accused of murder. In recent days, students at Oxford University heckled Danny Ayalon, Lieberman's deputy and silenced him, while other students heckled the Israeli ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, as he was speaking at the University of Southern California. Those students and others can at times be separated by ten thousand kilometres. They are spontaneously rising up against Israeli crime. Yet, Natan Sharansky, the Jewish Agency chairman and one of the merchants of the Holocaust, does not notice Israel's daily crimes and Nazism against the Palestinian women and children and only notices these students' protests. He thus announced that he will form ‘public relations commandos' to heckle Palestinians and pro-Palestinians and to respond to the anti-Israeli students' chants and protests. In his blind bias for the fascist state of Israel, Sharansky cannot see the difference between a student who acts according to his conscience and a member of an organized gang whose elements only have to wear brown shirts so we know they are not students. Today, there is a criminal gang in Israel and no peace can ever be reached with it. Perhaps, the reader will be surprised when I tell him that each and every Palestinian leader that I met with recently, including those who are supposed to be negotiating, said that no peace is possible with the present government in Israel. Also, every Arab leader I met with said something similar, as the government mentioned here above cannot fool anyone except the likes of Sharansky, simply because they want to be fooled. The government coalition made up of the Likud, Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu is a disgrace to the Jews in both Israel and the rest of the world. It does not represent all Jews, as thousands of them are peace seekers who defend the rights of the Palestinians, to the point that they protest side by side with them against the wall and against the demolition of [Palestinian] homes and thus, we must not forget those. [email protected]