In this era of Arab deterioration, the Arabians denied their heritage and history. They built their sciences and cultures on Arabic language which they are cursing. According to them, Arabism is Bedouin colonization of a defective island and an obstacle against civilization. They think that it erased history of thousands of years in the East and West of the Arab World. As if the Arabian Peninsula is devoid of heritage or civilization. This colonizing Arabism, as they said, did not denied the great Persians, Syrians, Kurds and others as they are parts of its civilization because the language is the frame for all civilizations and everything else. The same denial, accusations and wars are waged against Islam. The Anti-arabism which started in the Umayyad and Abbasid eras were based upon a question: how we allow barbarian Arabs to rule us? This image is still dominating the Iranian memories which consider the Arab rule periods as the worst eras ever. Then other ideologies and dissidents appeared to change the Islam from a religion of coexistence to defective rituals. The history repeats itself and accusations which are the slogans of empires to revive new kings and tsars. Let's look at the depression in our region nowadays. Many deny the roles of minorities in the Arab World: Kurds, Imazighen and other civilizations which precede the Arabic Islamic civilization. Moreover, the denial of Pharaohs, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Persians and others who left their fingerprints in history is real. This is not the fault of Arabism which contained many languages and peoples without invasion (as many orientalists promote) but the fault is the extreme ideologies. If Arabism was a racial Chauvinism, it would end as the Nazi Germany or the Fascist Italy. Yes we've got minorities who deserve to regain their languages and historical identities. Yes we've got many faiths: Sunni, Shia, Ismailia...etc. These are not new trends but they are citizens who keep all rights as others. Here we must differentiate between different ideologies and the citizens whether they are Arabians with other historical roots or Arabians whose history is Arabic and Islamic. The worst thing is that reasons did not match the effects; in other words, the discrimination callers whatever their trends: tribal, regional, national or religious cannot deny the existence of others as if they are holy men with heavenly decrees to dominate the world. All citizens in the Arab World lived in merciful atmosphere in the time of colonization and afterwards. The Muslims did not deny the rights of Christians and vice versa. The Kurds are not excluded from Arabs. This applied with all other races. We must legislate laws that cancel all classifications whatever they are because this is the most dangerous crisis we ever faced in our modern history.