It is virtually impossible to please those who have been criticized by the media or if we take the side of people against any acts in violation of regulations and norms, including traders who fall into the same sensitive category. Their defense is always that they are the weakest link and that media, particularly press, is being unfair to them. The claim that the press is publishing untrue accusations against them is untrue simply because others are accountable on an equal foot in a national professional manner without any escalating tensions between the different parties. Different governmental departments get the same criticism to rectify inefficiency without mounting criticism that extends as far as incriminating the press. We do not strip traders of their moral qualities, look to condemn them without proof or materialistic evidence. When people are complaining of monopoly, withholding of essential goods and being the victim the trader dealings their expected response will be to complain, discontent and dissatisfied while being a victim while the indulged trader is enjoying a tax and custom free trading license and essential goods aid grant. People are aware of what is against their interest when they compare market prices to those of imported or locally made goods in other countries. Signs of goods monopoly are evident. Penalizing and slandering barley trader is an example of some trader's condemnation. Press is the eyewitness watching over people interest. Unveiling truth and reflect on public opinions is its ethical duty. Traders have all right to respond and clarify their opinions. While truth remains the standard to judge the interests of all parties. It also untrue to claim that writers and journalists reports have been unrealistic and unfair on the private sector as we interact with plain facts where people, at all levels, are the eyewitnesses of the day-to-day life. This applies to all accountable public and private activities and to cast lights on any issues related to them. The press is not against people or any other groups. It is mission is simply to deliver the voice of people. We support traders if they were subjected to injustice. While we oppose them when they come against the interest of people. Blaming the press will not resolve the problem as the ministry of commerce and different courts are packed with several evident fraud cases that can be verified at these departments.