Was the Tunisian revolution lost amidst what is happening now in Egypt, while being the revolution that aroused the Arabic public feeling? It is right that each of the two countries has its own particularity and power of influence. However, Tunis should not be in the dark whatever the factors of change that are co sequencing in an unexpected speed are. The Absent Arabic role, as usual, did not have a real presence amid what is taking place in one important Arab country; there have been no visits to appraise, support, explore or to study the post-change needs and relations after the change of the late system. This Arabic silence is totally confusing. As though what happened took place in the remote orbits. On the other hand, we find European and American and other delegates frequenting to Tunisia. Is it a fear from a system that overcome the Arabic silence and head to the streets to record a public demonstration that changed the landmarks of the Arabic life throughout history? Or approaching Tunisia publically and officially might cause a transfer of contagion? These are illusions and imaginings that emphasize a mental inefficiency of some Arabs at the time where its regarded as an opportunity to read what happened closely, and contemplate in the causes and effects, and the reason and achievement of the revolution. Neither the Arab League, nor the western Arab Maghreb countries – the revolutionary ones from a pre-Tunisia's revolution perspective, or the traditional ones – have approached to perceive the event closely, nor the eastern Arab countries initiated to send their ministers or officials to explore the new status that tipped the balance. The post 1770s people died clinically, but are still mentally conscious. The Somali fought each other and stayed out of the Arabic awareness when their cause was lift in astray, and Iraq was occupied to fall in the hands of Iran, and it is open for everyone to witness development around them without taking a clear situation from what happened. The Palestinian base was torn out between the government and Hamas, and the separation was achieved persistently, and Israel took advantage of the Arab coma to expand over Jerusalem and the West Bank, and they are deciding on their own selves the decision they want to impose on the Arabs with under the international blessing. There are some who ascribe the Arab absence to the post Camp David outcomes, and the shrink of the Egyptian role that had a trace in many cases, or preferred not to have. The evidence is that the competition on the area is between Turkey and Iran as a result of a killing vacuum. Even in the case of the revolution of Egypt, we noticed how each of the two countries tried to assert its existence on the Egyptian arena. I is evident that whole Arab system is idle; all summit meetings have been failure, the they have become a weak part of the influence equation on the international level. And in light of this inefficiency to perform the national duties, every region has transformed into a vacuum filled by those of the military bases, and those who practice the carrot-and-stick pressure. Nothing can be more painful than to witness such most influential changes throughout the Arab history as in Tunisia and Egypt, and find that the interest of the Arab people is larger and more important than the official situations. This con won't last, as if Egypt retained its previous central personality as a gathering and influential power in its sphere, the political patterns might change because there is an Arab generation that sprung out of the womb of misery, and won't give up.